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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  December 5, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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now the government is warning americans to be prepared. you heard of smuggling drugs or even people. how about a t-rex? the lengths some are going to in order to own a piece of history. we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> we're going to have to see the rates on the top 2% go up. we're not going to be able to get a deal without it. >> president obama draws a hard line on taxes. >> republican and the white house both have offers on the table on how to resolve the nation's fiscal cliff crisis. >> we wasted an enormous amount of time here, sparring back and forth in public. it's a good time to get serious. >> let's just go over the [ bleep ] cliff. because you know why? at least for a few seconds, it will feel like we're flying. this morning, police are questioning a man in that deadly subway push. they say he has implicated himself in the crime. duchess of cambridge is continuing to feel better. >> australian radio station was
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able to pose as the queen, get information on the phone about kate's health. >> want to see how her -- >> she is sleeping at the moment and she has had an uneventful night. >> mohamed morsi under siege after 100,000 protests in the streets. l.a.'s mayor has announced an end to an eight-day strike at the largest port complex. best man's friend is learning a new trick. how to drive a car. get off the road. >> three, two, one. >> god bless us, every one. nine weeks, officially over. >> snooki wants to give baby advice to kate middleton. her number one advice, find out advice to kate middleton. her number one advice, find out who the father is.
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captioning funded by cbs e to cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." headline out of washington, a lot of talk. not a lot of action. not surprisingly, the white house and congress remain far from any deal to prevent automatic tax hikes and spending cuts. >> with just 27 days to go, republicans are not talking with the obama administration and the president is only talking on tv. major garrett is at the white house. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. yesterday at the white house there were vague references to conversations about the the fiscal cliff with congress iion republicans. i can confirm this morning through my sources here at the white house and on capitol hill that there were no substantive conversations or negotiations yesterday at all. no formal e-mails, to conversations, nothing. house speaker boehner's countdown led to the lighting of the capitol hill christmas tree last night. >> three, two, one.
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>> reporter: but washington is counting down this month to the dark unknown of the fiscal cliff. >> thanks for having me. >> reporter: on his first view sbr interview on the fiscal cliff, he rejected john boehner's proposal. >> unfortunately the speaker's proposal is out of balance. >> reporter: raising taxes on households earning more than $250,000. >> we'll have to see the rates on the top 2% go up. we're not going to be able to get a deal without it. >> reporter: republicans want smaller tax increases overall and no movement on higher income tax rates. they want to cut unnamed tax bre breaks and deductions, which they say will do more to boost economic growth. the white house considers the proposal and economic rationale behind it laughable. >> we don't know what we're talking about in terms of actual legislation to increase revenues. it's magic beans and fairy dust.
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>> reporter: republicans answered back ba-humbug. >> this is absolutely not serious and the administration knows it. >> reporter: six governors, three from each party, met the president and said acid they believe business leaders in their states won't invest and hire until a deal gets done. >> until this gets resolved in a way that's not a three-month fix but for some longer period of time, the better off we'll be. >> reporter: the white house says it has nothing new to say to republicans and at bottom of the hour, the president will meet here. meanwhile mitt romney's running mate, paul ryan said in a speech last night it's time for the republican party to change its approach to politics. >> both parties tend to divide americans into our voters and their voters. let's be really clear. republicans must steer far clear of that trap.
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we must speak for the aspirations and anxieties of every american. >> reporter: in addition to paul ryan, marco rubio appeared in that same washington event. both are thinking about a possible run for the presidency in 2016. rubio said republicans also have to reshape their message to middle class americans and those who want to enter the middle class. >> major garrett, thank you. officials say another crisis is looming, but it's physical not fiscal. flu season is off to an early and strong start. the south is already hard hit by this year's strain. three school systems in tennessee have closed the rest of the week because so many students and teachers are sick. with us now, past president of the national foundation for infectious diseases. doctor, good morning. >> good morning. >> it's early, it's serious and it's caused by a virus that causes more serious illness. so it's not too late to get vaccinated. vaccine is our best prevention
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of influenza. we want to prevent pneumonia, hospitalization and, of course, deaths. >> how effective do you think this year's vaccine is? >> at the moment we know from analyzing the viruses we've already recovered that the vaccine is right on target. so we've got a good vaccine. we need to use it. vaccine in the refrigerator never prevents flu. >> who should be given highest priority? >> everyone in the united states older than 6 months of age is recommended to get influenza vaccine. we've had a variety of new influenza vaccines available, regular shot, nasal spray variety, one that is higher dose, gives a bigger punch to seniors and then there's one with a teeny tiny little needle that doesn't even go into the skin. no excuses anymore.
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>> what do you tell people who are reluctant? >> do it anyway. not only important for you, it's important for all those around you. so you don't bring flu home or to work and give it to your c co-workers or those whom you love at home. it's a great holiday present. get vaccinated. make sure everyone gets the same present and gets vaccinated also. >> that's a good message, doctor. what about the people who say they're not reluctant because they don't like shots but they've gotten sick, they say, in the past from the flu vaccine. >> heaven forbid. the flu vaccine does not cause flu. >> right. >> that's an old myth, urban and rural. we have to give it up. it's just not true. >> dr. schaffner, thank you very much. secretary of state hillary clinton is in belgium this morning, discussing security issues, including the worsening situation in syria. margaret brennan is at the nato headquarters in brussels.
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>> reporter: hillary clinton just finished her last nato meeting as secretary of state. military alliance decided not to intervene in syria to stop the killing that has taken the lives of nearly 40,000 people. they are sending patriot missiles to turkey, to create a shield to protect against potential chemical weapons attack. >> we've made our views absolutely clear to the syrians, to the international community through various channels, public, private, direct, indirect that this is a situation that the entire international community is united on. >> reporter: secretary clinton said the missile shield will only be used for defensive purposes. nato did not discuss a no fly zone or safe haven to protect syrians. for "cbs this morning," margaret brennan, nato headquarters, brussels. in an interview on tuesday, i asked former defense secretary
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robert gates about the worsening situation in syria and the possibility of the government using chemical weapons against the rebels. >> what should we do in syria if they attempt to move the chemical weapons? >> well, i think that based on what the president has said, we would have no alternative to some kind of military response. and then there are a range of possibilities, but i think -- the one thing about when -- we use this expression more than once. when the president of the united states cocks the pistol, he better be ready to fire it. so a warning of that kind must have consequences if something happens with those chemical weapons. but he has a wide range, i think, of options in that event. >> based on everything you know about this president, is he prepared?
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>> oh, yeah. no, i think -- one of the things about president obama, he is very tough minded. and i think his decision to go after bin laden, his decisions on afghanistan in terms of the troop buildups, this is a guy actually who relishes making decisions. and it was one. things that surprised me most about him. here is somebody who before he became president had really never run anything. but he is very deliberative when he has the time to be deliberative. but i've seen instances also where he had to react very quickly and he didn't hesitate. so i think it would be a mistake, particularly on bashar assad's part, to underestimate
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him. >> simply cannot go beyond trying to maintain themselves in power? they seem not to be willing to make a wise decision to let go. >> first of all, the assad family and the shia minority in syria have repressed the sunni and other relingious and ethnic groups in syria for decades. there is a score card that those other groups will want to even, of massacres and executions. and i think one of the reasons assad is fighting so hard is that they have some sense of what's likely to happen to them if the option is successful in unseating the government in
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syria. so this is potentially a very ugly situation. it's ugly now because of assad. it could get ugly after. >> charlie, interesting he he's saying it probably will get uglier. >> two reasons he stepped down when he did, one is that he felt like he given his service in time. secondly, it was getting to the point where i was worried that i could not figure out what the reactions might be on the part of the other side. >> interesting. very interesting interview. thank you, charlie. he egypt's embattled president returned to the presidential palace this morning. he left of the palace last night as thousands of demonstrators protesting his grab for power gathered outside the gates. holly williams is in cairo, following the political crisis. >> reporter: tens of thousands of protesters fell on to the streets in cairo and other egyptian cities, calling it a final warning to the islamist
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president, mohamed morsi, who critics say is behaving like a dictator. in cairo, protesters surrounded the presidential palace, chanting slogans calling for the end of the presidency. it was mostly a peaceful demonstration. protesters are angry about a drawn constitution which will put to referendum, a popular vote in ten days time. control by president morsi's islamist allies, many more liberal editions say it is sharia law that fail to protect the rights of minorities and women. the duchess of cambridge is said to be feeling better this morning after treatment for cute morning sickness. prince william's wife is expected to stay in king edwards
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hospital for several days. >> reporter: good morning charlie. the news today seems to be better. after spending a second day at the hospital with his wife, prince william left her looking a lot more relaxed. kate is, quote, continuing to feel better and it seems that the prince was feeling a little better, too. kate is generally an active woman, a bit of a jock at school as she showed in her last public appearance before the onset of the illness. doctors say there's no reason she shouldn't continue to respond to treatment. while she's been a natural at the meet and greet part of the job, the most important part of her job has always been to provide heirs to the throne. that will get priority now. given the delicate start to her
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delicate condition, we're bound to see less of her over the next few months. >> i think the doctors are being incredibly cautious. they don't want to take any risks. this is going to be the future heir to the throne. it really depends on how she recovers. if she feels well i'm sure we'll see her out and about again in a few months. >> reporter: the other national pasttime here is -- >> we've got nine months to go. is it a boy, is it a girl? what name will it be? where is it going to go to school? and headlines this morning, is it twins? >> reporter: prince william has now arrived to spend what will be the third day by his wife's side in her improving condition. the palace and the hospital, for that matter, have been very tight lipped about the exact state she is in other than to say she has this morning sickness. from a radio show in australia, the host called up, imperson ating the queen.
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it may be the worst impersonation i have heard. >> hello. i'm just after my granddaughter, kate. i just want to see how her little tummy bug is going. >> she is sleeping at the moment and she has had an uneventful night and sleeping is good for her, as we speak. she has been given some fluids to rehydrate her. she was quite dehydrated when she came in. but she is stable at the moment. >> reporter: there you have it. the latest news from the hospital via an as you trustral comedy radio show. >> some news is hard to find. >> that's incredible if that, in fact, is true. >> that voice. >> yes, with that voice. >> thank you, mark. >> and the hospital has confirmed, in fact, that it was a nurse on the other line from the hospital. >> she actually thought she was speak together queen or is having fun herself. >> yes, exactly. from around the globe,
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washington post, senator bob dole, seriously wounded in world war ii, came to the senate floor to support the treaty. it needed two-thirds to pass. most senate republicans voted no, saying the treaty puts american sovereignty at risk. >> "the wall street journal" says one-third of all doctors and lawyers are now women, according to new census figures. in 1970 fewer than 10% of doctors and 5% of lawyers were women. >> "new york times" reports more smart phone users are sending text messages for free over the internet instead of paying fees on cell phone networks. that could cost wireless companies tens of billions of dollars in lost revenues. >> listen up, boys. britain's independent is warning of a sperm count, fell by one-third in 1989 and 2005. that increases the risk of infertility. researchers say the possible reasons range from environmental
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toxins to tight underwear. >> moving on. usa today reports starbucks is rolling out a special gift card today. it costs $450 and it's made out of steel. >> what? >> you can only buy $400 all right. around the bay area today, we do have some clouds out there and we are seeing some rain outside at the time in fact some heavier amounts of rainfall as we look toward the pleasanton area, some strong storms moving onshore. hi-def doppler showing you rainfall outside is going to be very heavy early on this morning then tapering off as we head toward the afternoon. temperatures will be in the 50s and the 60s. next couple of days looks like the rain coming to an end after
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today. return to dry weather on thursday and friday and right through the weekend. this national weather report sponsored by kay jewellers. every kiss begins with kay. people have been accused of smuggling guns, drugs, even other people. but how about incident saurs? -- dinosaurs? >> what you're talking about is a trade that's millions and millions of dollars each year. >> this morning john miller will
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show you why our fascination with dinosaurs is a big part of the problem. >> pragmatic, bailout, truthfulness they have been declared words the year which the merriam decktionary. we'll reveal the rest of the top ten on cbs "this morning." this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by priority mail flat rate shipping only from the postal service, a simpler way to ship. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup from the u.s. postal service the holidays are easy. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free before december 20h for delivery in time for the holidays.
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you can even give us special instructions on where to find it. free package pickup. from the u.s. postal service. because it's nice to have an extra pair of hands around for the holidays. [music] "dance of the sugar plum fairies" ♪ ♪ ♪
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to say get well to your loved ones. this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but when you send a kleenex® care pack, complete with america's softest tissue, you're also giving a warm gesture of care. kleenex®. america's softest tissue. you're also giving a warm gesture of care. and eddy said the toys nimight not be ready!mas eddy? the elf! ♪ [ radio announcer ] today's forecast: it's snowing snowballs and snow bricks out there... seven more days and it's snowing snow bricks! oh, well, be careful! [ radio announcer ] only two days to go, and several of the elves were tossed around when they tried to wrap a pony. [ female announcer ] the keepsake countdown ornament. build anticipation every day till christmas. elves tried to wrap a pony!
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[ female announcer ] kay jewelers presents neil lane designs. from hollywood's premier jewelry designer. hand-crafted diamond rings, earrings and necklaces. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. ♪ every kiss begins with kay . yesterday we showed you a
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very controversial page showing a new york subway train about to run someone over. >> this morning people are her an >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everybody. 7:26 on a wednesday. i'm frank mallicoat. get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. there are no suspects after a woman was shot to death in berkeley just before midnight. the victim was killed while riding a bicycle near longfellow middle school. no decision to close four
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fire stations in contra costa county next month. supervisors want more information from the fire chief before the vote that they delayed until next tuesday. and mineta san jose international airport has permission to use guns to scare birds away from the runway. the city council voted to allow that if noisemakers and blanks don't do the job. they already do it at sfo and oakland international airport. we have your traffic and weather and weather coming up right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. we have some mass transit delays to start off with this morning. caltrain has taken two trains out of service due to mechanical problems. they are going to combine them with other trains. the rest of mass transit is on time. wet roadways and slow and go on the peninsula. >> strong storms moving through
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the bay area right now. here we go again. high-def doppler radar showing you a lot of the yellows even some orange outside. it's pushing a little bit further to the south now. but it is heavy through fremont, portola valley, san carlos, hayward and livermore. heavy rainfall there. looks like that all tapers off by the afternoon just to widely scattered showers. dry weather returns tomorrow. ,,,,,,,,
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you know what i'm talking about when i mention the kardashian? well one of them got loose and showed up in bahrain. showed up in bahrain. and walking around start ad riot because she's wearing skin tight outfits, like it was painted on,
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you know those kind of deals and short short skirts start ad riot. they had to tall the authorities. so apparently there is a fashion police, apparently there is. >> very funny. welcome back everybody to cbs "this morning." british researchers say they have identified the oldest dinosaur yet. they revealed it on tuesday. the creature testify sides of a la bra torre retriever with five foot tall. it was alive 245 million years ago, 10 million years earlier than any spesmen. >> eve long been fascinated with dinosaurs. that interest has toledo an illegal and lucrative market in smuggled dinosaur bones. >> reporter: on television and in the movies people can't get enough of t-rex. it's less well-known cousin the tarbosaurus seen in this artist rendering is also formidable and very valuable. in may this tarbosaurus skeleton
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discovered in mongolia gobi desert was auctioned off. in mongolia if you find a dinosaur fossil anywhere in the country it belongs to the people of mongolia. this skeleton is in the united states illegally. >> smuggled by eric prokopi a self-described paleontologist. in october investigators seized 400 pounds of fossils from his home in gainesville, florida and obtained pictures of prokopi digging up and removing dinosaur bones in mongolia. prokopi runs a business called everything earth which beasts of selling dinosaurs to anyone that wants one. >> in fact there's a global marketplace for the sale of
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these illicit fossils. >> reporter: prokopi's lawyer told cbs "this morning" the government says dinosaur fossils were stolen but we have a different view of how the law applies in this case. a legal disagreement 70 million years in the making. for cbs "this morning," chip reid, washington. >> senior correspondent john miller former fbi assistant director joins us now from washington. john, good morning. so tell me what is it you like best about this story? >> well what i like best about this story that we're talking about t-rex because my son's name is rex and he's a force to deal with in my house and of course i'm the dinosaur. [ laughter ] i'm skirting the point. i get the idea that you picture that there is, you know, these
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raiders of the lost ark time characters that's going to these interesting ancient places and digging up these things. i spoke to homeland security investigators yesterday and, you know, these are the guys that do the customs cases and they says you know, that's not really who these characters. they say, you know, eric prokopi in particular seems to be a little bit of a one-of-a-kind. knees his stuff. he travels the world. and he's been a prolific dealer in this. what's more interesting is who are the buyers. of course we were hoping that the buyers would turn out to be the kardashians or lindsay lohan between arrests. but what we don't see is a hollywood set or somebody famous. what we do see is wealthy people who want something really interesting for their friends to talk about to put under their key light. there was a case in belgium where you had wealthy people buying this stuff and there wasn't a whole lot of due
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diligence, how did you get it and where did it come from? >> what are you drinking in the water down there? >> you know, it's washington, charlie. it's a city that's always enmeshed in conflict so i'm trying to be the friendly guy today. >> you make a great point. a commercial paleontologist. but it is an unusual job. who is buying these dinosaurs and is it illegal? his lawyer says it's not necessarily illegal. >> who is buying them, as we were just talking about, it's kind of not the museums, and that's where they run afoul here. so this is his lawyer's disagreement. i very carefully went over his lawyer, he did a very in depth request to have the case dismissed and his key point is that this is a 1924 law that says you cannot remove these things from mongolia, but he
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said in 1992 after the fall of communism they threw out the constitution so his position is all those laws went out with it. that's a. b, he says my client doesn't know where these bones came from. they could have come from china. we have to rely on what the diggers tell us. if you go to the government side they say we have pictures of him on the scene and his own documentation say they are from mongolia. on the customs thing he said his is a bunch of broken old bones and lizards i'm shipping from the great britain and worth $15,000. there's a credibility issue that will be examined at trial. >> bring some of that water for charlie and i back that you're drinking down there. >> certainly will. >> thank you. every year america's original dictionary addition out the word of the year. there's something different. mr. ram
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,,,, so now's the time. >> absolutely. >> words mean just about everything to the people behind the merriam webster dictionary. >> since 2003 they've chosen the top ten words the year. editor-at-large peter sokolowski is here to announce this year's list. welcome. >> thank you so much. >> what are the 2012 most important words? >> well, our dictionary is online as you mentioned merriam anyone can come to the dictionary and people look up word. they look them up in enormous numbers, hundred million pages each month. we take a measure of how many times certain words are looked up. the words that spike, that show trends that stick out are the words that become the word the year. >> what is the word the year? >> it's different.
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there's two words that trended together that showed when one was looked up so was the other. the words were socialism and capitalism. so there's no surprise there that politics was on people's minds. >> why these words, because there was so much intints in politic? >> we saw the words spike whenever discussion about health care was in the news and also, of course during the last stages of the election. >> this is the first time you've chosen words the year, right? two words paired. >> what we see is that socialism had larger number of look ups but what we saw when people looked up socialism they went and compared that definition with capitalism and i want shows really a pairing of a kind. >> what were the runner up? >> there were runner ups that came from the election also. the word malarky. one of the biggest spikes when vice president biden used that. schadenfreude, the german word for damage and joy, taking pleasure in somebody else's
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sadness. and the word meme because of all the internet meme that came out of the deaf bait, hillary clinton's texting earlier in the year. >> think it's so interesting that socialism and capitalism came up as the words the year because the president was branded as a socialist so people were looking to the actual definition. clearly you saw a huge uptick in online searches. >> what's great about having the dictionary online the data floss two ways. anybody can look up a word for free but we can see what word they are and that's how we connect them with trends with the news. >> there are now 225,000 definitions in this 11th edition. >> that's the collegiate dictionary. as a print product our best selling
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we all know it's very frustrating when you can't get to sleep. there's new research that says
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it may be dangerous for your heart. look at the serious health risks of insomnia. that's coming up next on cbs "this morning." even though our mom tries, she doesn't really get us. and she'll never know who we are, or what... no way, madden girls?? nike! they're so awesome! nike! wow! yeahhhh! thank you! who's your mommy now? it's a christmas miracle. give victoriously. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours.
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maybmaybe you can'; when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. oh my god, him dance? have you seen his shoes? they look like, they look like flippers. [ aunts laughing ] [ male announcer ] find some peace this holiday. get an 8 piece meal now with a dozen delicious cookies baked in-store. the kfc festive feast. all for just $19.99. yes you did, yes you did. no i didn't, no i didn't. yes you did, yes you did. no i didn't, no i didn't. yes you did. did not. [ male announcer ] today tastes so good.
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of the congressional committee chair selected thus far for the next congress, they are all white males. >> i guess they all look alike to you williams. look it's a republican house. no media mob of pc diversity cops is going to tell house speaker john boehner what to do.
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>> congresswoman miller will chair the committee. >> whose responsibilities range from making congress more open and accessible to ensuring the house runs efficientlily and smoothly. so we got a woman to be, to coin a phrase, the housewife. problem solved. we'll be right back. >> wow. that's rich. all right. in britain you can bet on almost anything. so they are already gambling on royal baby names, everything from mary to matilda to shaq. i doubt it will be shaq. >> we'll show you the early favorites and tell you why tradition will dictate prince william and kate's decision. >> we have holly phillips look at the very serious problem of what might happen if you don't get enough rest. good morning today in health
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watch insomnia and your heart. nearly one in five americans have trouble getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis. now a study finds the lack of shut eye can double the risk of heart attack and stroke. researchers looked at more than 43,000 people over the age of 45. more than 10,000 of them were diagnosed with insomalia. over the course of four years people with insomnia were 2.3 times more likely to have a heart attack and two times likely to have a stroke. this information comes on the heels of other research linking chronic lack of sleep with a host of health problems including depression, substance abuse and poor cognitive functioning. it's not clear how lack of sleeping increase heart risks but could it be that insomnia affects the system's fight or flight system. but discussing sleep should be a standard part of medical
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traffic is moving through ds slide again this morning. cs had to do emergency work t good morning. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. traffic is moving through devil's slide again this morning. crews had to do emergency work to shore up the roadway along
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the san mateo coast. it eroded in the storms. berkeley police are trying to determine who shot and killed a woman on a late-night bicycle ride. the victim was found near longfellow middle school after 11:30 last night. investigators are determining whether it was a robbery attempt. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is!
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sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. good morning from the traffic center. meet earthquake lights are on at the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic very slow and go. we are dealing with all this wet and wild weather today. you're backed up into the maze. couple of accidents brewing out there. the first one reported in the south bay. northbound 280 right at 880. couple of cars involved. you're backed up to the scene. also along 280 near cesar chavez, reports of flooding. it's been a busy ride around the area along 101 as well near cesar chavez and looks like you're still headed into the maze. >> another wild day outside. we have the last storm in a while that's going to be moving through the bay area. right now, the wipers are going over the city of san francisco.
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we have cloudy skies and showers there. the heaviest rainfall though starting to slide further to the south in toward the san jose area in along the peninsula. you're seeing moderate to heavy amounts of rainfall through milpitas, mountain view, fremont and san jose. looks like things taper off by the afternoon and looks like more widely scattered showers, 50s on the 60s. dry weather returns tomorrow. ,,,,,,,,
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. good morning good morning everyone. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." it is the picture of controversy. a deadly subway incident is captured with one click. this morning, the photographer explains why he didn't put the camera down to help. millions of americans like
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to play in citiville and farmville, the ceo of zynga will tell us why his online business hasn't been all fun and games. first here is a look at today's "eye opener." >> unfortunately the speaker's proposal right now is still out of balance. >> the white house and congress remain far from any deals to prevent automatic tax hikes and spending cuts. >> there were no substantive conversations and negotiations yesterday at all. no inform e-mails, no conversations, nothing. >> the south is already hit by the flu season. >> it's caused bay virus that causes more serious illnesses. >> tens of thousands of protesters fall into the streets in cairo. they called it a final warning for the country's islamist president, mohamed morsi. the critics say he's behaving like a dictate sgler the duchess of cambridge is said to be feeling better after treatment for acute morning sickness.
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>> from a humorous radio show in australia, the host of the show called up, one of them impersonating the queen. it may be the worst impersonation i've ever heard. >> people have been accused of smuggling drugs, guns, even other people. how about dinosaurs. >> what is it you like best. >> we're talking about t rex. my son's name is rex. he's a force to deal with in the house and i, of course, am the dinosaur. >> announcer: the "eye opener at 8" is brought to you by the aarp. our guy john. 'charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. president obama meets today with business leaders focusing on ab boarding the fiscal cliff. on capitol hill democrats and republicans are not meeting and a deal does not seem to be close. in a just-released gallup poll, 62% of americans want to see a compromise. 25% want republican and democratic leaders to hold firm
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on spending cuts and tax increases. major garrett is at the white house this morning. >> reporter: there is a common thread running through all of this. the public wants a deal. so do the governors, mayors, civic leaders, business executives and everyone else who has come through capitol hill and the white house to talk about the fiscal cliff. for the first time since this drama began to play out on a very public stage, yesterday there were no substantive negotiations or conversations whatsoever, none at all. and here is what the public thinks about all this. if, in fact, the nation does go off the fiscal cliff and negative consequences ensue, by a two to one ratio, by the most recent poll, it will blame republican, not the white house. the white house knows this, believes it's in a strong position and intends to use that leverage when and if negotiations begin. for "cbs this morning," major garrett at the white house. federal health officials are watching a medical crisis, an earlier-than-usual flu season.
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the south is already hit hard, one month earlier. three school systems in tennessee say so many teachers and students are sick, they've closed for the rest of the week. health officials also say this year' flu strain is making patients sicker than normal. the good news, this year's vaccines seem to work well against it. a suspect is under arrest in this week's shoving death here in new york city. the victim was pushed in front of an on coming train. as terrell brown reports, people are asking if bystanders should have done more to save his life. >> leave me the [ bleep ] alone. >> reporter: two days after this infamous confrontation on a subway platform, led to the death of 58-year-old ki suk han. the events unfolded on a crowded subway stations and in front of cameras. >> the train was slowing down at that point. but then after it started slowly
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going to the platform, you almost heard like a thud. >> nay eem davis confessed after being spotted by an off duty police officer. he recently shaved his head. >> i said this looks like you. i'm looking at -- and i recognized him. >> charges against davis are expected today and investigators have plenty of photographic evidence from the seen. a freelance photographer managed to take 49 shots including the one that landed on the front page of the "new york post." >> it all happened so fast. i don't know what i could have done more other than jump onto the tracks and try to save him. but i'm not strong enough to lift a body off the tracks. >> a doctor
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the royal baby name game is on. speculation about the name of the future king or queen. please let it be a queen -- it's reaching a fever pitch. we'll show you which names are leading the pack coming up next on "cbs this morning." ♪
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>> this portion of cbs "this mog" >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by aarp, fighting to keep social security and medicare strong for generations to come. table and what they mean for you and your family. ancr: aarp is cutting through all the political spin. because for our 37 million members, only one word counts. get the facts at let's keep medicare... and social security strong for generations to come. what makes me feel truly decadent? [announcer:] new revlon colorstay whipped crème makeup. its unique formula flexes with skin for a flawless finish. the feel of nothing but silk on my skin.
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the news of a royal pregnancy is like a gift from heaven for britain's tabloids. as ben tracy reports, there's already talk about what to call this future king or queen. ♪ >> reporter: the biggest sport in london right now might be betting on a birth name. prince william and katherine may not have spent a single minute thinking about it, but london's oddsmakers have. >> the name game have begun. the betting bonanza has. the plethora of names from brittany 500-1 or chardonnay at 250-1. >> mary and victoria lead the girls names while john, charles and george are the best bets for boys. >> i think this will be good news for the country. no world cup or olympics to look forward to, it's going to be our national sport i think for the next eight or so months. >> william and katherine's son or daughter will be the future
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king or queen. so that requires a moniker fitting of a monarch. >> the royal family tends to use pretty traditional names. i think we'll see elizabeth in there probably for a girl, probably william and george for a boy. >> reporter: royals like to keep it in the family. queen elizabeth ii was born elizabeth alexandra mary after her great grandmother, queen alessandra. prince william is william arthur phillip louie named of his father and his uncle. royal names tend to resemble a royal flush. the late princess diana famously messed up her husband's four names. >> take thee charles phillip arthur george. >> take this charles fipp lip arthur george. >> diana has nine to one odds
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with far less of a chance at 66-1 is camila. >> diana is obviously a loaded name for that family. i would be surprised to see them choose it. but you get a lot of middle names. >> reporter: with all the fuss about the new baby's first name, perhaps we should spend more time wondering why the royals never use their last name. for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, los angeles. >> i'm with gayle on this, hoping it's a little girl. >> i'm obviously hoping it's a little girl, too. >> i like the name diana, i do. >> you have the suggestion that you named. >> it was shonteria. they never consult me about anything. but i hope they do something -- >> i don't know why. >> i don't know why either. i think they should pick something -- certainly not that, but something that's really very different. i know they won't, but we'll see. >> now from real royalty to music royalty, this morning nashville is getting ready for one of the music industry's
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great occasions. >> i'm mark strauss man. >> i'm l.l. cool jay. >> the countdown to grammy nominations right here on nashville and right here on cbs. >> coming up on "cbs this morning." ♪ getting back together ♪ >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by capella university. portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by capella university. employees are being forced to do more with less. and the need for capable leaders is greater than ever. when you see these problems do you take a step back, or do you want to dive right in? with a degree in business from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to go further in your career than you ever thought possible. let's get started at
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♪ for musicians the grammy award is the ultimate prize. tonight we'll find out what artists are in the running. >> the grammy nominations are being announced starting with a special live concert right here on cbs. mark strassman is in nashville. mark i like to see you and ll cool j together. >> reporter: he's a very interesting and good guy, gayle. really interesting guy to talk to. the show tonight is the first time it's ever come from any city other than los angeles and while it is nashville, country music will have only one of the spotlights tonight. >> this is our biggest award show for musicians. this is the opinion cal for a
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musician. >> reporter: ll cool j ought to know. the hip-hop superstar will host tonight's primetime grammy nomination special as he has for each of the past five years on cbs. >> i've been doing this since the grammy nominations, since the inception of the grammy nominations and it's been fun every year. it's been different every year. i think music fans are music fans. you come to nashville people appreciate good music. >> reporter: ll cool j will co-host with taylor swift to announce this year's nominees. the stage will be in nashville america's country music capital but the hour long special will showcase the best of all popular music. we got a back stage tour in the arena and caught nashville country music star luke bryan doing a sound check. >> truly amazing to be a part of this night and part of the grammy nomination show and with hopes to of guesting a grammy nomination and i want seems like
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a grammy nomination never has been in my realm of, i guess, i guess expectations to get that would be just truly out of the park. ♪ >> reporter: bryan will play along with five other best selling performers. the lineup includes hip-hop artist ne-yo. top powerhouse maroon 5. and fun as breakout rock group play their mega-hit "we are young." ♪ >> this will be a moment. >> absolutely. >> it's great. we grew up watching the grammys and knowing that that was the top of it all. >> what would a nomination -- >> i would burst into tears. >> then we would have to clean
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it up. >> these are the nominees for best new artist. >> reporter: ten million people watched last year's barack obamay nomination. 40 million watched last year's awards, the second biggest grammy audience in history. ken ehrlich has been the executive producer since 1980. he's the man behind the curtain teaming up with ll cool j to create one of television's most watched events that kicks off with tonight's nomination. >> is this your secret weapon? >> security. security! every jewish boy needs -- >> a big black guy. >> a big black guy. >> even a big black guy needs a big black guy. >> reporter: ll cool j told me that when he won his first grammy his career took off in ways that otherwise possibly never could have. this year's awards from los
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angeles on cbs on february 109. >> like ll cool j and ken ehrlich. i always think the world is better with big black guys. i think they are on to something. i can't wait. thank you, sir. comments? >> i think charlie is rooting for one direction. >> or taylor swift. tough choice. people love to play zynga but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald it's 8:25. time for news headlines. someone shot and killed a woman who was on a late-night bike ride in berkeley. berkeley police are now investigating whether this was part of a robbery attempt. officers found the bicyclist near longfellow middle school
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after 11:30 last night. and new proof of just how powerful our recent storms were. this is the scene on 101 monday about 30 miles north of ukaih. the mud slide snapped trees just like twigs as the saturated ground gave way and even uprooted a redwood. the new round of rain is making a mess on some bay area roads right now. highway 101 at lucky drive in larkspur is one spot that often gets flooded. there's some water on the road there. earlier, pg&e customers dealt with power outages in the area. >> lawrence will have a look at live hi-def doppler and all the rain coming up next. t staircas. and the room is filled with all these different kinds. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show
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then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv with a total home dvr included free for life. only $29 a month for six months.
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good morning from the traffic center. let's head to the san mateo bridge right now. we had a stalled vehicle reported on the eastbound side near the high-rise. they're working on clearing that out of the way, westbound check that out backed up near the toll plaza. slow and go conditions across the way there towards foster city. over to our maps we go, anywhere you shake it we are seeing lots of delays 880 northbound sluggish into oakland. southbound we're seeing delays as well as you head towards the san mateo bridge. north 880 at tennyson, an accident blocking the roadway. off the dumbarton bridge, delays, as well. south bay crawling 101 san jose, lots of brake lights at 280 and the golden gate bridge almost at a standstill northbound. lots of rain out there, lawrence. >> to remember moving through the bay area showing signs beginning to fall apart. outside a lot of clouds, the showers now beginning to push a little further to the shout
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now. still some rain falling into san francisco over coit tower but heaviest amounts on our high-def doppler radar showing up in the yell although and orange into the south bay and san jose, we have some pockets of some heavier rain there along the 101 toward morgan hill and also gilroy. this is expected to pull out of town as we head throughout the day today. so by the afternoon, some partly cloudy skies, still a chance of a widely scattered shower, 50s and 60s, dry weather returns tomorrow.
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facebook has announced it will not be developing any of its own games and continue to rely on outside companies. facebook can still take credit for that one popular game guess whose fat in high school. >> know that game. if you like going on bubble safari or plowing a field in farmville you already know
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you're very well acquainted with zynga. the giant online gaming company takes in more than a billion dollars a year. >> but even a company that's big can have growing pains and the stock price has fallen more than 75% in the past year. founder and ceo mark pincus joins us. welcome. let's start with the obvious what's happened to the stock price? >> okay. beyond the obvious. what's happened is you have to step back and realize that social gaming as an industry and even the internet is going through a "titanic" shift to mobile. the bigger story in 2012 is that we're seeing consumers change their habits towards a mobile lifestyle at an unbelievable rate, and we as an industry are moving quickly to get ahead of that and with some of our games like words with friends and draw something, gayle knows, those games are very popular on mobile but the rest of our portfolio games are not yet on mobile and
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we as a company are moving quickly to serve that audience. >> and how will you define the ongoing relationship with facebook? >> i heard you say are we still bff. we're still bff. >> yes we were dating and getting along very well but now i need some space. it's been reported that you're pulling away from facebook. true or not so true? >> it's not true. what's really going on, facebook has been an amazing accelerator of growth for social gaming and for our company and really bringing gaming to a huge mass market on the web. but as i said, the future is really on mobile, phones and tablets. for us this is really about making the social available -- the social opportunities for our players anything they want. and facebook is the number one way that our players are social and connect on mobile. but there's a lot of other ways
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that they want stoshl and we just wanted to give our players every poway to connect with each other. >> you know what's fascinating to me women are huge gamers. >> they are. >> do they play differently? number one what do you think is so attractive about your games for women and do we play differently than men? >> yes. the fundamental idea behind our company in social gaming was i wanted to let people get back to this idea of sitting around a table and playing games with the people in your life, your friends and family. and for so many people being social isn't just head-to-head competition which is more a male experience. for a lot of women and kids and other people, it's about collaborating and connecting and socializing. some of our games, even games like words with friends are more about giving you a way to collaborate and play with people than play against people. we really want to make them accessible and not intimidating
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for women especially. >> beyond mobile what's the future of games? i mean you bundle it on pay tv and other places. some say part of that is lessening the dependence on facebook. >> again, facebook is going to continue to be important in really so many aspects of our lives. the future in my opinion is about month pill and social. so facebook is fundamental to it. but when you say where is this all going that's so exciting, i think you're going to see play and gaming coming to more of the fabric in our lives and i think we shouldn't under estimate how important mobile is to that because it means you can fit play in your pocket. you can fit play in every part of your life. for me i got addicted lately to this app called strava for people who do road biking. you can virtually compete with other people who do the same
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routes and rides you do. that becomes a game for me. i think you'll see the concept of play continue to expand. >> you and i have known each other for a while and i know you know gayle. you're a whole group of entrepreneurs that have come together. if you were starting over today where would you start? would it be in gaming or somewhere else in terms of building an app of some other kind? >> i think that we -- it's hard to even connect with the rate of change that's going on because of mobile. and i think that every week, almost every week i'm hearing about an innovative new service. we as consumers are interested in finding new service. as an entrepreneur i would look at so many of these fundamental parts of our off line life, whether it's how we travel, whether it's how we bike, and think about are there ways that i can totally reinvent that in a
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mobile in an app in a social n conte context? >> your charity component is so huge. >> we're so excited about what we've done with social virtual goods and this holiday we've laump launched a toys for tots program. more than a million players have donated to causes that they care about through our games. with toys for tots we've seen 27,000 players contribute $300,000 and that will give toys to 11,000 kids. >> people say things look dicey for zynga but you look very comfortable where you sit. >> i think what matters for any entrepreneur do you believe in the vision of the company. e see more people playing games and being admonish social than when we started six years ago.
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i'm excited what we can bring out next quarter and next year. >> good to see you as always. >> he made headlines this year when he was exonerated for a crime he did not commit. he's here to tell us how he's still pursuing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ dream on what a roller coaster of a year for brian banks. we first brought his story seven months ago. the former high school football star was on probation after serving time for a crime that never happened. then banks was given a second chance. as randy page of our los angeles station reports he literally ran with it. >> reporter: this might like your average football game, but for one man on the field brian
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banks this chance to play professional football is a triumph over incredible odds. >> i'm ecstatic. i'm humbled by the whole experience. >> reporter: a decade ago banks was a star high school athlete with strong college prospects. but then a fellow student falsely accused him of rape. banks was advised to plead no contest. he spent five years in prison followed by four years wearing an ankle bracelet on probation as a registered sex offender. but just last year banks and a private investigator were able to catch the accuser on tape, admitting she lied about the assault. that led to banks' exoneration in may. he was 26 years old. banks first thoughts were not of regret or revenge, but of the game he loved. >> i would like to give a shot at the nfl. >> reporter: then usc coach pete carroll was looking to recruit banks a year.
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now coach of the seattle seahawks he came calling once been. >> answered the phone and there was pete carroll asking if i new any linebackers, he was looking for a linebacker. you got the right number. >> reporter: banks got his shot but with no offers after trying out with several nfl teams he decided to sign with the las vegas locomotives a team is in united football league. >> any way to describe the whirlwind you've been on. >> nonstop. nonstop of the pursuit of the dream. >> reporter: a dream deferred. after the locomotives won their first four games financial pressures forced the nfl to cancel the rest of its season. brian banks is not the kind of man to give up hope. >> what have you learned about yourself? >> i'm never going quit. >> reporter: banks says the dream don't inspire him and it inspires everyone around him as well. for cbs "this morning," randy page, los angeles. >> brian banks, it's good to have you here at the table.
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everybody that meets you walks away and says wow. let's go back to the unpleasant part of the story. you're falsely accused. did you know this girl >> yeah. we actually went to middle cool together as well as high school. >> why do you think she decided to accuse you? >> you know, we never really got the answer to that. there's been a few reasons that, you know, we came up to the conclusion but what it came down to is she didn't want her parents to know she was sexually active. >> now you sit here with the word exonerated. take us back to the day in the courtroom where the judge says you were exonerated. you think what >> mixed emotions. i think a bit of everything. bittersweet. to have this finally be over with, to finally have my name cleared and have my life back and also reflect on everything i've gone through. it's been a ten year struggle.
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so i'm happy to be free now. >> do you like your chances for being able to play football? >> i do. i really do like my chances. it's still a live and well, the dream is still in pursuit. and i think the california innocence project and my lawyer they allowed me to have this opportunity to give football another shot. >> that's what's on your sweat shirt, california and the number is -- >> xonr8. >> innocence project underneath. >> the california innocence project. this is a logo of theirs. i've seen this logo before and it was just a shirt. as soon as i was exonerated it meant so much more. >> what are you hearing from nfl teams about your dream? >> right now, i have an opportunity to try out for a number of teams and the response was experience. it wasn't the lack of ability. so, having had the opportunity
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to play in the ufl and play around coaches that had nfl experience, players that have nfl experience i use that as a platform and vessel to broaden my skill. >> are there people say give up that dream and pursue another dream -- >> no >> -- because it can't work. >> some people see my life heading in the direction of abdicating further wronged women. but football is a passion. i've talked to a few nfl teams that are considering bringing me in before the season ends. so it's still in pursuit. >> people are saying yeah but it's been ten years, just the fact of lack of time in keeping up. you have no doubt that you could still do this game? >> no doubt. whatever you put your mind to you can achieve. >> that's the important thing. who has to believe in you is you. >> exactly. >> on the other hand, there is also this aspect of your life,
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people who meet you, respond to you. you were in the green room with mark pincus of zynga. he started talking about you when he sat down and he knew nothing about you that you made on him, the impression. you'll have lots of options but only you can live with the dream that i can play football and i can show you. >> yeah. marcus is a great guy. i strongly believe in what you want in this world you must first put out. you just have to be good for yourself and that in turn, you know -- >> how can you do this with no bitterness against the girl, with no bitterness that football hasn't worked out. how have you been able to do that? >> hats important for me is progression. what will i do for me. instead of sitting down and having negative thoughts about anyone or myself, i realized a long time ago that only stagnates me. what i do have control over is
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me while in any situation whether good or bad. >> if you don't do that you only hurt yourself. >> thank you brian. >> did you get mark's number buff left. i did. >> you also should know you can see a 60-minute report on brian banks later this month right here on cbs. world war ii was full of secrets and some of them are still unsolved. we'll look at the effort to still unsolved. we'll look at the effort to decode a carrier pigeo,,,,
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tmv had a picture of taylor swift and her new boyfriend holding hands at 4:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. in the morning. you know why he's holding her hand, so she can't write a song about him. >> that's excellent. >> very good. pigeons get more respect in britain than they do here. carrier pigeons were an important part of the allied
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communication system during world war ii. mark philips has the steefr long lost message that's getting new attention. >> reporter: this is bletchley park. secret location of world war ii britain. where the nazi military codes were broken. now it's at the center of another story of war time heroism and sacrifice and intrigue and pigeons. pigeons, not the enemy of statues in the park kind, best friend of soldiers who used them to send vital messages kind. paratroopers used carrier pigeons. bomber crews used them to report where they were if they were shot down. they braved snipers and hawks trained to kill them. many made it through. many didn't. including this one. >> the first bone to come down was this wish bone. >> reporter: david martin found the remains of this bird when he was opening up what had been a
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boarded up fireplace 30 years ago. it seemed a bird had used the top of his condominium nias its last roost a long time ago. then ep found this. >> this has a red capsule which unscrews and you have a spindle or spool and around that was a very flimsy piece, bigger than a cigarette paper with a message on. >> reporter: it was clearly war time message written in code, clumps of five letters that make no sense unless you can decidci it. david told the experts at britain's main war museum about it they were not interested. these things were common they said. lately people at bletchley park now also a museum but where they know about war time codes said
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they never heard of a code pigeon message and send it here to the british government communications headquarters where the current code breakers work. now they said -- >> we're working on the encryption. >> reporter: without knowing which code book was used and there were many they can't decipher it. it contains the name of the officer sent it, where it was meant to go and the register number of the bird to carry it. in a moment david martin may think they don't want to make the message public. >> because it could relate to british agents calling a bombing in france which killed a lot of civilians. maybe the french resistance. >> reporter: whatever the reason it's focused attention on the exploits of the pigeons who get their own section at the code breaking museum.
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>> message is implying -- >> reporter: for good reason for this pigeon fan. >> you look at these birds as heroes. >> they were. >> reporter: some were given mels for their heroic service. not david martin's pi fwon. just an anonymous victim of the war. >> pigeon wars. when you sit and read about it what really did happen to the poor pigeons? >> reporter: so, a pigeon whose registration number appears on no war time register. an officer whose name can't be found on any war time and a code that some of the world's best code-breakers say they can't break. we couldn't make this up. for "cbs this morning," i'm mark phillips at bletchley park. >> world war ii is just a story that continues to give great stories. >> and doesn't mark phillips always find a great story? i am so smitten with him.
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every time he does a story, i sit to wait to see what is he going to say, and he always comes up with something. >> and tells a good story. >> and tells the good story. >> from carrier pigeons to the birth of a new royal. >> that's right. >> he can do it all. >> in one shot. all right. >> that does it for us. up next, your local news. we'll see you tomorrow right here on "cbs this morning." ,,,,,
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headlines... >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's 8:55. i'm michelle griego with your cbs 5 headlines. oakland police have no suspects or motive in a shooting that sent four people to the hospital. officers found a 50-year-old man shot outside a liquor store on east 18th street last night. they found three more victims a
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few blocks away. right now, traffic is moving throughed devil's slide again. crews did emergency work yesterday to shore up the road along the san mateo coast. that's due to erosion called by last week's storms. the new tunnel is set to open next year. bay area drivers dealing with more rain on the roadway. this is the scene in berkeley this morning. some residents in the north bay experienced power outages, strong winds causing flight delays up to an hour at sfo this morning. and lawrence, you told us the rain was coming. >> yeah. still moving through the bay area right now. it's moving a little further to the south and beginning to fall apart. outside now, check out the clouds and indeed a couple of raindrops on the lens. looking toward pleasanton, looks like things are going to wind down toward the afternoon. but right now, that rain continues to fall and we're still seeing pockets of moderate to heavy rainfall into the san jose area, morgan hill, and also gilroy. this afternoon, the rain will taper off. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. and then looks like the next few days we dry things out,
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staying dry through the weekend. we'll check out your "timesaver traffic" coming up next. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning from the traffic center. we have major delays on the golden gate bridge. looking live at traffic
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northbound at a standstill. lanes are blocked due to an accident. at one point southbound lanes were blocked and they are reopened. south 101 from 580 to the golden gate bridge almost an hour. very busy through there. give yourself some extra time. slow and go conditions will continue until they clear that out of the road. in fact, traffic slow as well in most of our bay area bridges due to the weather. also flooding reported on 280, 80 near cesar chavez, that's going to slow you down on the peninsula. drive safe, everyone. captions by: caption colorado ,,,,,,,,
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>> announcer: today... >> rachael: pat on the back. that made my day. >> announcer: are you feeling fat? peter walsh says straightening up is the secret to slimming down. >> this is the way to put the cheese away. >> rachael: you can grab the right amount instead of the entire brick. >> i would like to show off, me being at work, it is hard. >> announcer: these


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